Baubles are shiny things that ~Air~Fish~ really love. Generic baubles are just bubbles of air that have gone solid, usually about the size of ~Air~Fish~ eggs (which might explain the attraction).
However, some baubles become infused with magic upon their creation. If these are kept nearby during a spawning, they can effect the babies of that spawning. After this magic is passed to the baby, the bauble's magic is gone and it becomes a plain bauble without any abilities, except to amuse little fishes.
Each fish can carry one bauble to a spawning. Most baubles can be used together, but no bauble magic is stronger than any other, they merely cancel each other out if their effects are too similar. Therefore Male and Female baubles used together will not result in two babies, but merely waste two baubles.
Female Bauble - Guarantees a female offspring.
Male Bauble - Guarantees a male offspring.
- Father Color Bauble - Causes the offspring to inherit the father's colors.
- Mother Color Bauble - Causes the offspring to inherit the mother's colors.
- Random Color Bauble - Causes the offspring to look nothing like either parent.
Same Gender Bauble - Fuses the magic of two fish of the same gender to produce an offspring.
Wild Bauble - Attracts a wild ~Air~Fish~ to the spawning ground of the carrying fish to produce an offspring.
Self-Spawn Bauble - An unfertilized egg that allows a single ~Air~Fish~ to create an offspring on their own.
S-genes Bauble - Guarantees that one s-gene of the carrying parent passes to the offspring.
Twin Bauble - Guarantees identical twin offspring.
- Fraternal Twin Bauble - Guarantees fraternal twins and affects s-genes somehow.
Mutation Bauble - This rare and very magical bauble can create strange mutations in the offspring.
Lineart Bauble - Temporarily freezes the growth of the offspring so you can choose which lineart the baby grows up as, breed restricted.
Garney Bauble - Allows you to control Garney and have your own custom lineart created for your offspring.
Non-Spawn Baubles
Seeing Bauble - If you hold this bauble and think of a fish, and a fish similar enough is looking into another Seeing Bauble, they will be transported to you.
Naming Bauble - This reflective bauble allows a fish to see themselves so they can find their perfect name.