~Air~Fish~ are a rather peculiar breed of adoptable found on the same island where the FaeKind reside.
Unlike regular fish you might know about, these fish live exactly how their name implies - in the air. They have an ability to float through the air as they please, though they are not immune to gravity at all. Indeed, it takes some practice for young fish to learn how to 'swim' through the air.
Your basic ~Air~Fish~ has the intelligence of a young gradeschool child, and much the same sort of curiosity and innocent wonder. Despite this limited intelligence, many fish manage to speak - particularly to one another - using telepathy.
When people began exploring this island the fish were naturally curious and friendly and took to them. Sometimes they are there when you don't want them, they keep just hanging around no matter what you do.
~Air~Fish~ is an adoptable drawn, colored, and maintained by Naomi McFarland and all works are copyright protected. Theft will not be tolerated.
The website and files are maintained on LemonToss.com, a paid domain owned by Naomi McFarland.