A rather strange type of Faequine appeared from the forest. These wolf and hound like creatures seem to be some sort of crossbreeds.

Only a handful of Wolf fae exist, some of which prefer to be classed as Hounds due to some minor differences. As far as can be determined, a wolf can produce a normal foal, a wolf type, or a hound type, sometimes in the same breeding.

Wolf and Hound types often have multiple, smaller babies, rather like a litter. Three or four seems to be the normal litter size so long as one of the offspring is not a normal Faequine since these babies are larger.

To be classed as a Wolf type, a Faequine must possess at least rear paws instead of hooves, a bushy tail of fur, and a ruff around the neck and chest. Wolf types can be winged or horned as any other Faequine. Hound types can have normal tails and rear hooves, but are distinguishable as Hounds by one feature or another.