The Unifications are the gods of the FaeKind world, or at least demi-gods.
These children of Ien and Una are powerful immortals who have been charged with watching over all FaeKind. Each one represents and unifies the magic of a particular force necessary for the smooth workings of mortal existence.
These forces include everything from life, birth, and death, to rather mundane and silly things such as luck and anxiety. They rank themselves according to importance of influence, with one Unification per element on each "tier" of the hierarchy. No one is quite sure how many tiers there are anymore, or how many Unifications for that matter.
However, because they are immortal and have had a lot of time to get bored, they aren't exactly perfect anymore.
Over time, many of the Unifications have found minions or underlings to do the majority of their work for them. For the particularly busy ones, this is absolutely necessary, the realm of FaeKind is simply too large for one to handle.
Others can neglect their duties at a whim though, as Unifications tend to be fickle creatures. Being immortal tends to lead to boredom and a less than solid mental foundation.
Though each Unification's force is related to an element, they are not bound to the element. Rather, the element is just drawn to them, and they leave the actual element business to the Elementals. Unifications influence the FaeKind, not the other way around, very few things in the mortal world effect them unless they want it to.
Generally, Unifications remain in their home in the Heights, inside Fifth Peak. They tend to not make appearances among the mortal FaeKind except through signs or minions. Miracles and visions got boring quite a few centuries ago.
More information can be found at this forum link - Unification Information