This rare water dwelling type of Faequine is a more recent discovery.

Mer faequine believe they were created as counterparts to their land dwelling cousins, and they did not 'evolve' from normal Faequine.

Instead of having back legs and the normal tail, Mers have the tail of a fish with strong fins. They also have both lungs and underwater breathing abilities.

Mers are not often seen with wings, since they aren't necessary to moving underwater. However, they can possess all the normal horn variations as other FaeKind.

Not much is known about the Mer type since they tend to be rather reclusive and extremely traditional in their beliefs. Mers can tolerate both fresh and salt water, though they usually have a preference for one or the other, and go through an adjustment period when switching.

Due to their lack of hind legs, Mers often find land travel to be difficult and unnecessarily annoying. Thankfully the Fields have plenty of large rivers.