Kirin are something of a rarity, sometimes considered a strange version of unicorns. However, they will tell you that they are an original type of FaeKind, created to be just as they are.

Their single horn is oddly curved, their tails are set high and in ribbon like strands, and scales cover their bodies.

Kirin are not born like normal Fae, but instead from eggs which are guarded fiercely by their parents while growing, until the foal hatches. Thus it is sometimes wondered if Kirin and Dragon types are related.

Kirins are fully breedable with other Faequines. Similar to the Dainty genetic, the Kirin genetic passes at 50% chance independent of mutations. They are a type of Faequine, not a mutation. Their mutations can be found in other Faequine, but only all together do they make a Kirin. Any other mutations or mutated colors they possess pass to offspring like any other mutation.

More information can be found at this forum link - Kirin Information