By far the most prevalent of the FaeKind are the basic Faequine.
As the name would suggest, Faequine are similar to equines, though they tend to resemble draft breeds specifically. Most of them have thick feathers and a fairly large body structure.
To separate themselves from normal equines, Faequine have longer ears, glassy pupil-less eyes, cloven hooves, and a rather interesting tail. Rather than strands of hair, they have a somewhat prehensile tail limb, a long extension of their spine. From this limb, hair grows in a flat and somewhat stiff "fan" on either side. Most Faequine hold their tail so the fan is up and down, but it can be turned flat for extra balance, especially while running or flying.
Faequine can have a number of additions to the standard equine or pony type, but the three most common are: unicorn horns, dualhorns, and wings.
The standard unicorn horn is rather like a curved blade, most often curving upwards, but sometimes curving downwards. As the Faequine ages, this horn grows and can have additional tips.
Standard dualhorns sprout from just beside the ear and are fairly rounded, almost always angled back from the Faequine's head.
Wings are fairly common among Faequine, more often than not similar to that of a bird, connected at the shoulder. Though flight can be difficult for larger Faequines, most can easily fly at least short distances.
These three standard features can be combined. A Faequine with a unicorn horn and dualhorns is referred to as a tricorn, and any with wings is simply called its horn type plus winged, unless it has no horns, then it's just a pegasus.
More information can be found at this forum link - Faequine Information