More a rumor than a true type, Dragons are exceptionally rare, and usually seen only through odd traits in other Faequine. Very few pure Dragons exist.
Between the Fields and the Gem Desert is a rather harsh land of rocky crevices and volcanic activity. The crossing is not easy for any to make, so it is rather difficult to believe anything could live there.
However, there are stories that a rare breed of Faequine exist in the Crossing, tough and well suited to the often fiery conditions. Some believe them to be those who got lost during the migration of Faequine to the Gem Desert, before there was a Desert type. So it is possible that Dragons and Deserts share a common ancestor.
Whatever the case, Dragons are exceptionally reclusive, even moreso than Mer Faequine. It is told that they hatch from eggs similar to the Kirin and possess some of the most amazingly unique traits of all FaeKind.
More information can be found at this forum link - Dragon Information