Far to the south, in the Gem Desert, a few hardy Faequine have survived the harsh conditions and adapted. They are not an original type of FaeKind in this respect.

Though once like other Faequine, they evolved a Sleek body type that controls its own temperature far better than most Faequine. This body type is displayed in females only, for unknown reasons. As such, it can sometimes be difficult to tell a male Desert from any normal Faequine.

Desert Faes have also developed their own rich culture, and a system of beliefs far different from other FaeKind. They worship a multiplicity of gods, not just Ien and Una, and hold little faith in Unifications or Elementals.

Most Deserts are of the light or metal elements. Sunlight is naturally abundant in the desert. The attraction to metal it is believed evolved from an excessive use of jewelry among the Desert Faes.

The Sleek body type can be found in Northern Faequine, primarily through cross-breeding. Deserts will not recognize them, however, unless they have been raised with Desert culture. To be a Desert Faequine means more than just having a Sleek body type or carrying the Sleek gene. This gene passes at a rate of 50%, the cultural heritage of the foal is of course up to the parents.

More information can be found at this forum link - Desert Information