Current Breed Directory
Because cats are somewhat complicated, especially with more recent show breeds having mixed lineage, here's a little guide of our plan.
Base Breeds
These are the breeds that we are going to make as we please, in whatever order we choose, just as soon as we can get to them. Events will give out first generation cats of these breeds and some may require special kitten linearts.
* Abyssinian
* American Shorthair
* British Shorthair
* Burmese
* Cornish/Devon Rex
* Egyptian Mau
* Javanese
* Korat
* Maine Coon
* Manx
* Persian
* Russian Blue
* Show Style Siamese
* Siberian
* Selkirk Rex
* Sphynx
* Turkish Angora
* Turkish Van
* Birman
* Chartreux
* Japanese Bobtail
Spontaneous Mutations
These cats will just happen as breedings occur. If people keep breeding the cats involved, they'll happen eventually.
* American Curl - from domestic shorthair
* Laperm - from domestic shorthair
* Ringtailed Sing-a-ling - from of domestic shorthair
* Scottish Fold - from British long/short hair
* Somali - from Abyssinian
Random Happenings
These cats are more about a certain color being applied to a certain breed. So first, the breed has to exist, then someone has to get the right coloring. You can do that by breeding, or by ordering customs.
* Bengal – coat color
* Bombay – black Burmese
* Chausie – coloring
* Colorpoint Shorthair – coloring
* Desert Lynx – coloring
* Highland Lynx – coloring
* Jungle Curl – color on an American Curl
* Oriental – solid colored Show Style Siamese
Breeding Results
Some of the more recent cats happened as a result of special crossbreeding. We're not going to make you go through years of work to get these cats, but they are going to take some work. If no one tries for them, they won't happen.
* American Bobtail – Shorthair Tabby x Siamese
* Traditional Balinese – bred from Siamese
* Contemporary Balinese – bred from Siamese
* Burmilla – Chinchilla Persian x Burmese
* Exotic Shorthair – American Shorthair x Persian
* Havana Brown – Black shorthair x Chocolate Point Siamese
* Himalayan – Siamese x Persian
* Ragdoll – Persian x Burmese x Siamese
* Ocicat – Siamese x Abyssinian x Shorthair
* Ragamuffin –Persians x Himalayans x Domestic Longhair
* Singapura – Burmese x Abyssinian
* Tonkinese – Siamese x Burmese