The Basics

Cat breeding operates much like The Kennel. There is no set season, and all you need is a male, a female, and a bed.

Unlike The Kennel, there are no sizes of cats to worry about, and breeding is not restricted to same breeds. In fact, some breeds can only be produced by crossbreeding, and others through spontaneous mutations in breeding.


The following breeds will only be acheieved through breeding:

The Beds

A bed is required for breeding, for the female to have her kittens in. You must own the bed.

Cat beds comes in only one size.

A breeding will produce, on average, three kittens. Other factors and random chance can affect this number.
The Process

Note: Not all kitten lineart may be done, new breeds may have a delay before they can be bred. When in doubt, check the breeds page for the kitten count or check the most recent thread.

You must own the bed and it must be in your owner's folder. You send the above PM even if using someone else's cats. Those persons need to PM TheKennel stating they give their consent for your breeding.

The bed image will be updated with your litter of kittens. It will forever remain so you can have a kitten photo of your cat (meaning you cannot use the bed again).

Risks and Warnings

Cats can breed as often as you please, following the one week rule. And, like real cats, there are consequences to overbreeding, especially for females.

Males can be bred more often than females, two requests at the same time may even involve the same male, but within reason please.

Very few bad things happen to our cats because we love them. Take care of them, breed them responsibly, and there won't be any difficulties.

Stud Fees

Kittens may be required as a stud or RB fee.