The list of breeds we currently have at the Cattery.
Breed Directory
The Breed Plan
Coat Colors and Patterns ~ Cert Information
Since we're just starting out, breeds are a bit limited at the moment, but we'll get new ones in, don't worry.
Please note: The Domestic cats are not any show breed of cat, they are your default cat, a barn cat if you will. They are not the same as American or British Shorthairs, or any of the longhaired breeds such as Persians.
Most cat breeds will eventually have a standard lineart, though special lineart may occur at our discretion. These "base" breeds will come as we have time to draw them.
Certain other breeds are only available through selective and planned breeding of "base" breeds above, or through spontaneous mutations. Cats are a little tricky that way. Visit the Breed Plan link above for more information.
If there are currently no events for The Cattery, then you are out of luck for getting a cat from us at the moment, sorry.
Please do not beg or bribe, we are probably busy and we will run an event just as soon as we have time.