My purpose is love and completion. I am quite possibly the last of us to be created before the end times come. I bring love to the group and bind us together as the family we are meant to be. Our love is far more powerful and enduring.
I love Draco sincerely and completely, the last of us joined with the one who began it all, a completion. When Draco passed his knowledge to Spider he believed himself to be finished, his duty complete. I have shown him with my love that he is indeed quite needed, and not just for teaching myself, but for turning back to those who are not quite with us yet. Through my love for him I kept him alive and his brother with him - two most powerful ancients we most certainly need. Draco, my lover, my teacher, my eternal companion. He and I seal the circle around our family, a circle of love.
Antony is an interesting character with a story, and a lesson, to hear. Despite the deceptions, the jealousy and lost love, he still truly loves his brother. They only barely realized it until recently, it is a pity such a powerful force laid dormant for so long. But Antony has forgiven Draco for his imprisonment, those centuries gone. He is so strong, and for more caring than he shows. He survived rejection, loneliness, and his own body's painful rejection of its true power for so long. For all his trials he survives.
Spider, my beloved Prince, truly deserves his title. So cleverly disguised in that elegant manner is an intelligence great enough to wield amazing power. Backed by strong teachings and unbelievable faith, he is a true leader.
Serpent, so kind, and yet so tortured. I admit that a heart so full of goodness there is not in the world, and this is a great power to us, but he has also been denied so much. To be in balance is an ultimate state as well as a long road of discipline. Besides this loss of training, Serpent's innocence also denies him vital knowledge of the ways of evil.
Fire truly makes up in excess of what Serpent lacks. They are so different it is hard to believe they come from the same spirit. Fire serves his purpose, even if his anger is a challenge for him, he shall overcome it. It also makes him oh so unpredictable when concerning loyalties, but I have full confidence that Fire is one of the lost ones that Draco will succeed in teaching.
Hellborn has so much passion, if only his commitments could be changed. This must come first. With all his great power, if he learned to use all of that without proper loyalties - all could be lost. His power is that great.
Topaz shows me that even the most vile of creatures can have a good side. Besides her constant tests upon our strength, she is capable of kindness, and her passion is also great. Her gifts of extreme intelligence, passion, and power would make such a great tool to have on our side. The goodness is within her, I have seen it, and I can bring it out.