I am incomplete. I am a shadow of a creation of purity and innocence. I am the evil removed to acheive an instrument of goodness, removed and given flesh. I feel only the dark side of existence, all the rage and fury. Even sadness eludes me. To feed the hatred, to give in to my rages, does not bring me joy either. It is merely that the rage is gone, there is nothing. To feel nothing is nearly the best I can feel.
Mine and Serpent's spirits remember, though. When we are together our spirits try to reunite, allowing a small part of each of us to be shared. In my brother's embrace I can feel sadness, but it is fleeting at best. To remain there too long courts with danger, I risk losing myself completely back within him, but he is the nearest I come to feeling love.
Spider... I respect him. He keenly undersands my nature and how to use it, and yet he can be so confining! Perhaps it is for my best, but I think of him like an enraged animal thinks of its cager. I cannot often get beyond that.
Hellborn is my nearest kindred spirit. His passion runs deep, and he longs to be free as I do. We both let our emotions rule, and they are our strength.
Topaz is a dangerous beauty, cunning and deceptive in evil ways even I and Hellborn cannot conceive. She cannot be trusted, and yet she so easily coerces me! We are all meaningless puppets to her, tools for her to gain what she wishes. She is devious, and yet irresistable.
Garnet is truly beautiful, a treasure. She is the sum of all the beliefs and teachings of Spider and Draco. I have never seen her angry, never hateful. She looks at me with kind eyes... then I hate her... and I don't know why.
Antony is an interesting, but confusing, creature. One moment he is joyful, and the next he's raving with anger. He is unpredictable, but so strong and severe in his emotions and actions. It is like Draco says, "a flip of a coin."
Draco... is dearer to me than my twin, who causes me so much pain. This ancient has fought with his rage, his hatred, and now it only rarely emerges. It was a long struggle, but he has control. Thus he understands. When Spider gave up on me, Draco himself refused to. It is now through Draco I can calm myself enough for written expression, and he is the reason I now feel... closer to being a whole person.