Everyone has a purpose. Not just each one of us, but I believe everyone in existence has a reason for being, at least one reason, not excluding the possibility of multiple purposes. I had believed that my purpose was merely to pass my knowledge on to Spider, but I have been shown that it is truly something more. My duty is the ingratiation of faith, in all of us. Yes I passed the knowledge to Spider, and he grasped the faith himself, but many others received the words without the feeling.
Spider's original purpose was to carry forward my knowledge, passing the faith to his brethren. Yet Spider, despite his deep convictions and desperate attempts, was unable to pass our faith to everyone. Now the two of us perhaps can work together on these more difficult challenges. He credits me with the current eaching of Fire, but a great many times have I heard Fire say, "Because of Spider."
Fire is not as difficult as he presents to his brothers. He desperately wants a voice without anger, a pen without the fog of rage. I have merely provided this for him. Even Spider could not be this for him, there are too many problems between the two of them. Fire cannot express it, but he does deeply respect Spider and even his teachings. It is only his rage that prevents him from showing this, but there is power within him to conquer it.
Serpent and Fire are not merely halves of a whole. True their spirit split upon creation, but this was because they were never meant to be a single being. They have distinct personalities beneath the split of emotion and power. Serpent has his own purpose, not as Fire's good side or path back to having a complete range of emotions. He is, however, Fire's weakness. Serpent is not strong of power despite his purity, and he can no more grasp the concept of our evil enemy than Fire can laugh for the joy of it. The twins are limited by their split, but to become whole does not mean to reunite, but to grow as individuals.
Hellborn is a creature of amazing power, raw power that he cannot even begin to use because of simple ignorance. If he would just listen. He's intelligent enough to understand, but he's just so damn stubborn. I'm beginning to doubt even my patience will last long enough to us to gain control of him.
When I think of Hellborn being horrid, I have only to think of Topaz to make it worse. She is deftly intelligent, devious, uncaring, seductive, stubborn beyond all sense of the word, self-centered, and one hell of a dresser. She has her own plans totally unknown to any of us and completely unpredictable. But Garnet swears she has good points, and I trust her.
Words cannot express what I truly feel for Garnet, I would need volumes to even begin. She is my love, eternally, and the one who keeps me alive.
Antony, my brother, my Round Master and first teacher, there are so many things good and bad I could say. Well okay, mostly bad, but I try to forget that. I betrayed him, regused him for decades, but we have forgiven all that. He is so different at each momenbt, I use the phrase, "the flip of a coin." He is nothin if not adaptable, and that can be a very good thing, especially as the pace of time moves faster. Antony always leads us to change for the newest trends of the world. He is a wealth of lesson, I can't believe he never stops to notice that. I have learned so much from him, now if he'd quit being such an ass and learn from himself.