Antony is Draco's elder brother and Round Master of the Round of Cataclysm.
A trickster, a womanizer, and an all-around jerk, he's still a good guy deep down. His dearest companion is Ki the first student he was commanded to take care of and train.
One time Draco asked him, "Don't you feel out of time?"
To which Antony replied, "Never, I make my own time."
Change is wonderful. Not just changing places or culture over the ages, but to change oneself is the greatest thrill and challenge. Tomorrow is always right there, why look back, there are better things to do. There's plenty of time to ponder the life lived whne you're dead, trust me, I was dead for centuries. For about 1400 years I sat there in that dark little cavern analyzing the 127 years I had lived prior to going into that little hole. That's roughly 11 years to think about each year, a year to think over a month. Enough of that crap! It's time to live. And yes I'm different now, sitting in a little cave for 1400 years will do that to a demon. Okay enough of that crap, let's get this over with.
Draco... okay I'll be nice. Yeah we've been asses to each other a good portion of our lives, but we try not to bring that up anymore, except whne one of us is being bitchy and snobbish and high-minded and the spoiled little brat that he is. Oh yeah, I was being nice, oops. Yeah sure I've changed a little bit, but damn he's completely different! and with a major bug up his ass. We used to have fun, I think he forgot what fun really is.
Spider... damn dude, lighten up! This guy is a miniature Draco, a tad more lively, but still boringly serious. All that gibberish about Heaven and salvation. Yeah whatever, punk kid, you've only barely seen life... or death.
Serpent? Who's that again? Oh... him. He's too quiet to notice, shy; like a big kid - a really big kid. He'd make a good human shield in a fight.
Fire, now there's a fun guy. Dammit Draco, leave him alone, he's fine the way he is. Don't go screwing with the funnest one of us to be around. So what if he's a tad violent and always angry. At least he's honest - and quite vulgar at the same time. Anger can be a great weapon, but thinking about it maybe a little more therapy is in order.
Hellborn is a moodly little whine-ass, crying to get his way. More power is supposed to make you boss of everything, shuddup ya little punk. There is a time and a place for every mutiny. He could do with some anger therapy too, or maybe just duct tape would solve everything.
Garnet, okay gimme that duct tape. If I hear her talk about love and family one more time I swear I'm gonna hurl. This girl needs to detach and spend some time alone, learn what it's like to be an individual. Who died and made her princess anyway?
Topaz... scary, but damn I want! I know she has no qualms about killing me, which is just about the only thing keeping me away from her. I'm not sure there's a fiber of goodness in her body, and I trust my judgement more than anybody else, especially that little foo-foo Garnet. This filly needs ot be put down before she does some serious damage, especially to me.