Sachiel a very skittish sort who is easily embarassed and frightened. He loves horses and spends more time with them than other angels. His dark brown hair and androgynous features frequently get him mistaken for a girl. He believes those looks and his gray eyes are plain and not pretty. His wings fade from blue to purple in a vibrant and less than plain display though. Any plain body with surprisingly brilliant wings are acceptable designs.

Body: Gray #808080
Hair: Brown #4F1C0C
Eyes: Gray #808080
Extras: Hooves, horns and other adoptie specific areas are either blue, purple or gray based on artist discretion and what looks best.

Custom additions
Wings: Blue #35277E fading in and out with Purple #AB33CC
Tattoo: It is difficult to tell if Sachiel's markings are tattoos or scars. One is a spiral cut down the entire left arm and the other is a series of straight lines from left shoulder down across his chest.
Jewelry: None.
Clothing: Jeans with oversized sweatshirts.

Crystal Ball Dragon Sachiel by SplitX

Hypogryff Sachiel

Mizar Sachiel

Cheveyo, Karuka Sachiel

Kaveri Sachiel