Raphael is a wise old soul who specializes in healing magics. He is something of a father figure to others. He has the cliche angel look of pale blonde hair and pale blue eyes. His white wings are massive and tipped with pale yellow.

Body: White
Hair: Pale yellow #FBF199
Eyes: pale blue #C0D9EC
Extras: Hooves, horns and other adoptie specific areas are either pale yellow, pale blue or white based on artist discretion and what looks best.

Custom additions
Wings: White with Pale yellow #FBF199 tips.
Tattoo: A pale blue #C0D9EC angelic glyph over his left chest area.
Jewelry: None except perhaps a pale gold wedding band or brown feather necklace.
Clothing: Pale dress slacks with a robe-style belted tunic shirt.

Crystal Ball Dragon Raphael by SplitX

Orlaya Raphael by PonyMama

Murrah, Highland Raphael

Hypogryff Raphael

Mizar Raphael

Lunacy Raphael

Cheveyo, Karuka Raphael

Kaveri Raphael

E/E Angel Raphael