Puriel is Lahatiel's partner in crime and just about everything else. He's a tough army sort of fellow who likes blowing things up. And food. He loves food.
Body: Orange #ED860E with pale yellow #FDCF53 undersides
Hair: Orange #ED860E
Eyes: Brown #5B2D0D
Extras: Hooves, horns and other adoptie specific areas are either brown or orange based on artist discretion and what looks best.
Custom additions
Wings: Brown #5B2D0D fading to Orange #ED860E fading to pale yellow #FDCF53
Tattoo: None, but he has several bullet wound scars here and there.
Jewelry: Standard issue dogtags.
Clothing: Usually army issue camo style.

Okibi Puriel by Ryuukokoro
Crystal Ball Dragon Puriel by SplitX
Clan Cat, Hari Puriel
Murrah, Highland Puriel
Hypogryff Puriel
Mizar Puriel
Cheveyo, Karuka Puriel