Known Relatives: none, though he considers himself brothers to a few others who have fought by his side over the years

Character Concept: A large, strong, stoic fighter.

Description: Kushiel is a very large Highland buck with long black hair draped over well-toned muscles. His fur is a deep shade of blue, barred with gray and black. his scales are sky blue, which set off his brilliantly colored eyes. He frequently wears jewelry or decorates himself in trinkets to commemorate his victories.

Personality: Though fairly silent and stoic, Kushiel has a warm heart underneath, he just hides his smiles to maintain the facade of an impassable and strong male. He really does care, especially about those weaker than he is - which is just about everyone. He is also exceptionally intelligent and a quick thinker, which makes him a perfect leader in dicey situations, though he would never boast so much. He reluctantly takes leadership positions because it is the best way to ensure that he is in a position to help and protect others to the best of his ability.

History: All of his life, Kushiel has lived in the Highlands hoof to hoof with the Urhein. He has never known a stable home that has stayed in one place without some kind of fighting or raiding forcing it to move after a few months or so. While some might have grown up despondent about this, it encouraged Kushiel, and threw him into a life of training and fighting. From a very young age he was on the front line battling the Urhein to defend whatever temporary home they had set up. But it was never the home or the land he was defending, it was the Murrah. Through the constant moving, he had learned that the true essence of home was not a place or a hastily constructed lean-to, but those who huddled within in, bright and optimistic despite knowing that they could and most likely would lose everything at any moment.

Kushiel never considered his life to be harsh or lacking, quite the contrary, his life is a series of small victories. To him, the key to the next victory is not to boast about it, but to quietly and strategically use past information to move forward, so he speaks very little about his accomplishments.

During a particularly bold move into Urhein territory, he and his group of "brothers" struck a deep wound unto Urhein society. They raided an elite sector of the Urhein settlement and killed many of their high ranking officials. Kushiel had been convinced into leading this group because of the high number of Murrah slaves reported to be in these households - which was true, they freed many of the slaves being kept as pets there. However, it also brought retribution, and his group was forced to leave their region entirely, fleeing through the tunnel to Haurah with the freed slaves they managed to save.

Strengths/Abilities: Kushiel is very large for a buck, and very strong. He is very surefooted even over rocky terrain and he can be very fast once he builds up momentum - it takes awhile to get bulk of that size up to speed. Battle is where he is most comfortable, and he is practiced with many weapons and fighting techniques. He has a very long fuse to his very violent temper, so it takes a long time to truly get him angry. He is generally unshakeable, calm, and collected, with many emotions kept in strict reserve.

Weaknesses/Flaws: Kushiel has a major soft spot for anyone weaker than him. If someone's in danger, he will be the first to leap in to protect them. He will never leave anyone behind if he can help it. While not needing much in the way of food or sleep, there is a certain other instinctual drive that is high in him, and can be distracting if a very attractive Murrah is around.

Name one each of the following...
What does he seek? The next battle.
What does he love? The thrill of the fight, and knowing that his victory will do something good.
What does he fear? Not being able to save everyone.
What does he believe is "true"? Trust, the world runs on trust.