Makatiel is a nice guy, even tempered, with a soft spot for Rogziel. Though he looks complicated, Maka customs are allowed a lot of leeway on markings depending on what looks best on each individual adoptie.
Body: Lavender: #C899C3 with Dark lavender: #6F3F69 stockings and some sort of white patterning to compliment the wing barring.
Hair: Lavender: #C899C3
Eyes: Yellow-green: #C3CD6D
Extras: Hooves, horns and other adoptie specific areas are either lavender, dark lavender or yellow-green based on artist discretion and what looks best.
Custom additions
Wings: Lavender: #C899C3 fading to Dark lavender: #6F3F69 with white barring.
Tattoo: None
Jewelry: Moderate silver piercings in those strange places. He also likes knives.
Clothing: Black leather pants and simple tank tops.
Lumi Makatiel by Solistia
Crystal Ball Dragon Makatiel by SplitX
Orlaya Makatiel by PonyMama
Murrah, Highland Makatiel
Hypogryff Makatiel