Kushiel is a brusque sort of manly male man, though he does have manners and an exceptional calm and refinement about him. He is fiercely protective of Leliel.

Body: Sky blue #66CCFF
Hair: Black #202020
Eyes: Sky blue #66CCFF
Extras: Hooves, horns and other adoptie specific areas are either blue or black based on artist discretion and what looks best.

Custom additions
Wings: Sky blue #66CCFF with black and white barring, similar to a blue jay.
Tattoo: Black tribal tattoo is the most common, but a black sword-like design on a leg is also acceptable.
Jewelry: Kushiel prefers silver piercings, particular a labret, eyebrow, nose, and upper earrings.
Clothing: Black leather and/or fishnet.

Lumi Kushiel colored by Solistia

Orlaya Kushiel colored by PonyMama

Okibi Kushiel colored by Ryuukokoro

Gene Pool Kushiel, CYO colored by Garney

Crystal Ball Dragon Kushiel colored by SplitX

Murrah, Resplendent Highland Kushiel by Shayrah

E/E Angel, Ether Kushiel

Cheveyo, Karuka Kushiel by Garney

Hypogryff Kushiel by Garney

Mizar Kushiel

Skyreel Kushiel

Dream Pony Kushiel

Kilm Kushiel, with Leliel