Elias is Jophiel's son and Michael's partner. His hair is platinum and his eyes are the same green as Jophiel's. His wings are similar to Jophiel's as well, but a white peacock instead.

Body: White
Hair: Offwhite: #F5EDE0
Eyes: Green: #188218
Extras: Hooves, horns and other adoptie specific areas are either off-white, green or blue based on artist discretion and what looks best.

Custom additions
Wings: White with a very pale fade to green and then blue. Peacock spots over the fade of smaller black and Blue: #0376AE dots over larger Green: #188218 dots. This can often be overlaid with half transparent flood of white to tone down the colors and make it more subtle if needed.
Tattoo: None.
Jewelry: None.
Clothing: Stylish blue jeans and flashy, colorful shirts.

Crystal Ball Dragon Elias by SplitX

Hypogryff Elias

Equisusi, Masika Elias

Cheveyo, Karuka Elias